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Scholarships in Poland

There are a number of scholarships available within the limits defined in bilateral agreements. They are financed either by the Polish or the foreign partner’s government, often with the aim to enhance exchange within a specific field of study. The amount of a scholarship depends on the type of study undertaken.

The Polish Government Scholarship will not only pay your tuition fees but also give you a monthly allowance, which will cover some of your everyday living costs. The Government Scholarship is granted for a specific period of time. However, you may apply to extend it to cover the total time of your studies in Poland.

How can you do that? You need to apply at a Polish consulate or embassy in India.

Students from everywhere else can apply for the Polish Government Scholarship, or research the scholarships provided by individual universities. To name a few-

Research Fellowship at Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2017

Course Level

The fellowship is available to pursue research programme.

Study Subject

The fellowship is awarded in the field of Biology.

Research Position at Institute Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2017

Course Level

The position is available to pursue the research programme.

Study Subject

The position is awarded in the field of Mathematics.

Scholarship Award

The scientific scholarship will be 3000 PLN per month and it will not be allowed to receive other scholarships at the same time. A candidate from outside Warsaw may receive up to 640 PLN per month towards accommodation renting costs.

Scholarships in Ireland


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